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You call me a retard for trying to die even though I have abosolutley nothing.



OR even a BODY.

Look at yourself’s.

Look at what you have become.

Look at your future fates.

If i’m here and you can see the future after, let’s say, 2040 and you still survive, well.

You have failed as an group of DEMI-GOD’s or whatever the fuck it might be,

You were orginally created as the white people, not litturally white, but people made of the good kind, like made of light and goodness and look at where you are now and what you are doing since those times.

JUST take a moment to reflect on your true self, put back all the memories you have choosen to erase and then look at yourselves, eveluate you state.

AND then tell me I’m wrong for insulting your kind.

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